
The conference on “Global Trends In Multicultural Guidance and Counseling for Student Wellness” aims to:

  1. Exchange of Knowledge: Facilitate the exchange of knowledge, research findings, and best practices related to multicultural guidance and counseling for promoting wellness. This includes sharing the latest trends and developments in the field.
  2. Multicultural Competence: Enhance the multicultural competence of guidance and counseling professionals by offering workshops, presentations, and discussions on effectively addressing the diverse needs of clients from various cultural backgrounds.
  3. Global Perspective: Promote a global perspective by bringing together experts and practitioners from diverse regions and backgrounds to discuss common challenges and unique approaches to guidance and counseling in multicultural contexts.
  4. Research and Innovation: Encourage research in the field and the development of innovative guidance and counseling strategies that are culturally responsive and effective in diverse settings.
  5. Best Practices: Showcase best practices and successful case studies in multicultural guidance and counseling, demonstrating how they have contributed to student wellness.

Overall, the conference would aim to promote a holistic understanding of how multicultural guidance and counseling can contribute to student wellness and provide a space for exchanging ideas and experiences to further the field in a global context.



Contact Person

+62 851 5625-5055 - Ghaida

+62 877-6550-2794 - Muqaffi

+62 823-1530-7909 - Elin Maulida 





Guidance and Counseling Study Program

Faculty of Educational Sciences

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia